Foraging Ahead

acorn photo by Manuel QC via Flickr

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Henry David Thoreau

I recently wrote about unconventional foraging for Atlas Obscura. It’s amazing how one small pitch quickly turns into an obsession. The more I researched the topic and interviewed naturalists, the less strange this idea of urban foraging sounded. It’s not just about dumpster diving and grabbing fruit from low branches. So much is about knowing the types of weeds, bushes, and trees that grow around us– in our own backyard, on trails, popping through pavement cracks. So much of the plain foliage that surrounds us is surprisingly edible and nourishing.

I love that I am still learning about nature, in the same way that I am still learning how to write.

It never ends. It is all so vast and wild.

It. It. It. It. It.

You want to rub your arms around this everything.

To hold it all?

You’re happy just trying.

If you have a minute, give my article a little love.

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